Ready to go mobile.

Discover your
digital repair tool

For faster and more accurate part identification.

Vehicle identification

Fast, precise vehicle identification through VIN.
Get all the vehicle information instantly, with just one input
sofort zur Verfügung.

Assistance systems

With the growing numbers of assistance systems built into modern cars, the complexity of repair and maintenance work is increasing as well.
CarKit24 provides an overview of all the systems the vehicle is equiped with, so repair shop employees don't have to manually search for that information.

Assistance systems

With the growing numbers of assistance systems built into modern cars, the complexity of repair and maintenance work is increasing as well.
CarKit24 provides an overview of all the systems the vehicle is equiped with, so repair shop employees don't have to manually search for that information.

Vehicle information

CarKit24 delivers a well structured view of basic and detailed vehicle information, as well as equipment and assistance systems.
The manufacturer codes support a more precise part identification and integration of third party systems.

Say goodbye to part search,
say hello to Part-Finder.

Schluss mit langer Suche nach passenden Kfz-Ersatzteilen in endlosen Listen verschiedener Teilekataloge.
We speed up part identification and reduce multiple and incorrect orders. We also check standard parts data for accuracy of fitment and only show you the parts that actually fit the vehicle.

Parts selection + labour values and order for the complete repair case in 60 seconds!

Repair packages

What if you could save even more time and money on part orders?
Für häufige Kfz-Reparatur- und Verschleißfälle haben wir
These data packages for common wear and tear repairs contain all the necessary and compatible parts, as well as the associated labour values.
(Nach Herstellerangaben)

Part identification and repair calculation
with just one click.

Nach der Fahrzeug-Identifikation über die Fahrgestellnummer, werden automatisch die OE-Teile ermittelt und anschließend Reparatur-Pakete mit den passenden Aftermarket-Ersatzteilen zusammengestellt.

Part identification and repair calculation
with just one click.

After the vehicle has been identified, the OE parts are determined in order to select compatible aftermarket parts and load the associated labour values. Based on the part prices, hourly rate of your workshop and labour values, a total price is calculated. All in one system, fully automatic with just one click.

Matching top offers from the best retailers at a glance

We identify the best offers that actually match the vehicle.
This way you can easily compare and choose the best offer for you.

With just one click,
there's your estimate.

With the click of a button, all the parts, labour and customer data
is written into a business document template.
und für deine Kunden natürlich auch die Arbeitswerte.

Company logo, bank information and payment terms can be set within the account settings and will then be loaded automatically.

All that is left to do is print or send as email to your customer.

Start your 1-month free trial today!

For Workshops
